

FESCON Engineering, Services and Construction was established in 2016 with the focus on providing exceptional contribution to Construction activities especially in Civil and Mechanical domain in Oil& Gas, Petrochemical sector.

We have qualified staff, honest & efficient team of workers permanent & associated with us to work under sever conditions and are turned to stick the target having a kit of latest tools and equipment as per day to day requirement.

Since inception, FESCON has been guided by a firm philosophy that a company’s main asset is the measure of trust,

Reliability, team work & confidence, FESCON

Role in the construction of Tanks at Burshane

Petroleum Pvt. Ltd. has enhanced its

Commitment to corporate excellence in all aspects of construction. Sound company policies, a management team philosophy and the fostering of relationships with client, suppliers, business partners & staff, collectively support FESCON ability to meet client requirement.